Paperback coming

17th June!!

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We live in a time of great uncertainty. More people are ​being pushed into poverty. The gap between the richest ​and poorest is growing wider. We are, perhaps, more ​divided than we have ever been.

Our public services are overwhelmed. Citizens are fed up. ​Our society is sick. What can we do?

We need a realignment of the values at the heart of our ​own lives and societal structures, especially our politics ​and economics. Until we learn to reorientate ourselves ​towards the way of love, we will continue to perpetuate ​the staggering inequalities at work in our communities.

We need a kinder society, that works for everyone and ​gets to the pragmatics of how we actually do this. We need ​to reimagine how we live life together well.

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Sick Society - Reimagining How We Live Well Together

The economist, Prof Mariana Mazzucato, and sociologist Prof ​Bev Skeggs, looking at society from different angles come to ​the same conclusion:

Society is a manifestation of our values and who or what we ​value.

In this book, you will encounter several people I have met in my ​work as a doctor over the last two decades. Their stories and a ​myriad of associated research expose the values on which we ​have built our society.

They demonstrate the fact that in its current form, society ​simply isn’t working for many people. People are sick, because ​our society is sick.

Our society is sick because it is love sick.

So, this book asks us to reconsider our values and to reimagine ​together how we build a society that is altogether more healthy.

It goes on to examine how a society can change and what we need to ​put in place to enable that to happen.

It appeals to the ancient philosophy of love as a praxis. It calls us to ​allow ourselves to feel outraged at injustice, to challenge the ​inevitability of our own thinking.

Things do not have to be this way. All is not lost. We must shake off ​our apathy, recover hope and build moral, alternative economies.

Together we can make our communities, regions and nations ​altogether more kind and compassionate, as we build a participative ​and inclusive politics.


Full of anecdotes and insights, it ​challenges us all to put aside our ​cynicism, world weariness and ​feelings of powerlessness and do ​something to make the world a better ​place.’

Lord Nigel Crisp

Independent Crossbench Member ​House of Lords

‘Read this book. It will remind you ​that all is not lost in our sick society ​and that there is a surprising solution’

Tim Farron MP

MP for Westmorland & Lonsdale

Former leader of Lib Dems

‘Sick Society comes from the heart of ​an outstanding clinician whose ​practical compassion for his patients ​is simply overwhelming.’

Prof Dame Clare Gerada

President of the Royal College of ​General Practitioners

‘Sick Society challenges us all to care, ​to act and to create space for ​understanding. Here’s to less ​meetings and more practical action ​to ta​c​kle health inequalities.’

Joan Saddler, OBE

Director of Partnerships & ​Inequality, NHS Confederation

This book is a blueprint of how to ​love and be loved. Amazing,

passionate and an inspirational read.’

Dave Higham

CEO The Well Communities, Author ​of Rat Hell to Rat Park.​

‘This book brings to life the story of ​individuals who experience inequality ​and injustice. Every human being is ​worthy of love, and together with ​love we can make things better. The ​revolution starts here.’

Fatima Khan-Shah

Associate Director, Long-Term ​Conditions & Personalisation, West ​Yorkshire Health and Care ​Partnership


Andy Knox is a GP and Associate Medical Director of ​the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB – focused on ​Population Health and Health Inequity. He’s also a ​motivational speaker and blogger.

He is usually heard before he is seen due to his ​ridiculously loud laugh. He relaxes by playing the

piano, reading books, cooking good food and being

in and around water. He was recently awarded an

MBE in the King’s first Birthday Honours List for ​services to Primary Care and tackling Health ​Inequalities.



there was such great feedback ​and engament from the previous ​book launches in london, ​manchester and lancaster! we ​had such wonderful times ​together. more dates coming ​soon - email to join the invite ​list


To keep up to date with book launch dates and speaking ​engagements please check back here and see links below.

Andy is occasionally asked to speak at conferences, ​companies & organisations. If you’re interested in having Andy ​speak at your event please get in touch using the email


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